It’s time to let go of the “Monday dread” and say YES to a career you LOVE!

Ready for your dream career?

I help high-achieving professionals, who are meant for more than just an unfulfilling 9-5, get unstuck and figure out what they REALLY want and HOW to get there.

Is this you?

  • You followed the set path to success: study hard, get a good job, work hard, get promoted…

  • You’ve “made it!” - yet you’re burnt out, unhappy… perhaps even feeling a bit guilty for feeling this way, for not just appreciating the success and secure life you have…

  • You feel stuck in a J-O-B. You know this isn’t your “thing” - but you don’t know what your “thing” is…

  • You’ve immersed yourself in self-help books and podcasts, but you’re still feeling lost

  • You’re craving change but you’re afraid you’ll make the wrong decision… or worse, that you’ll do nothing and regret it later down the road.

  • You wish you could just be happy and enjoy your success, but you can’t stop thinking… there has to be more to life than this!

If so, then congratulations! You’re ready for your next adventure.

Imagine this:

  • Clarity on what YOU want, what success means to you (not everyone else’s version).

  • An exciting new career path that feels meaningful to you.

  • Goodbye, Sunday scaries! No more daily anxiety about work.

  • Gooood morning, Mondays! You love your work! (Yes, it’s possible!)

  • Feeling happy and more fulfilled overall - in career, life, relationships!

  • Living life based on how you want to live (vs. how you should).

Ready to ditch the “golden handcuffs” for an exciting new career path?

So that you can live a fulfilling, joyful, and rewarding life.

This is perfect for you if:

  • You’re 10-20 years into your career, still wanting to make an impact, but no longer interested in climbing the corporate ladder you’re on (in other words, you don’t want your boss’s job!)

  • You are so ready to throw in the towel, to quit your job - but have no plans for where to go next (besides on a nice long vacation!)

  • You dream of leaving corporate to be the CEO of your own business - but you have no idea where to start or what you’d even like to do.

  • You know what you really want to do but you feel it’s too late for a career change because you’ve already invested too much time and energy into your current career.

  • You’re a multi-passionate and stuck in the same unfulfilling job because you can’t decide which of your many ideas to pursue.

  • You’re a creative person stuck in corporate (because it pays the bills), yet you’re feeling miserable and uninspired because there’s no creative spark in your job at all!

Life-Aligned Career Program

This 1:1 coaching program is perfect for you if you’re looking to get clear on what you REALLY want and take steps towards an exciting and fulfilling new career, one that aligns to your authentic self and fits in with the life you want to live.

How we work together:

  • 1 deep dive intensive session

    To get crystal clear on what you want in your career and life, identify where you feel stuck, and create a personalized plan for your transformative journey ahead.

  • 2 sessions with me a month

    So we can focus in on what you need, move beyond any fears, and give you next action steps to stay in momentum and progress towards your exciting life-aligned career.

  • Recordings of our sessions

    So you can revisit your breakthroughs and even gain new insights from replaying a session.

  • Strategies from my signature D.E.S.I.R.E. path

    Recommended resources, exercises, journaling prompts, and action items as needed.

Time for an exciting new career?

So that you can wave goodbye to the “Sunday scaries” and your unfulfilling 9-5.

Hi, I’m Lizzie. I’m here to help driven and ambitious professionals love their career and life again!

We spend almost 100,000 hours or one-third of our lifetime at work - that’s wayy too much time to spend being unhappy.

It’s not worth being successful on paper, but unfulfilled on the inside.

Feeling unfulfilled and unhappy at work will spill over into all other areas of our lives - our relationships with family and friends, health, self-worth… it’s all interconnected.

And since work is such a big slice of the life pie, why not start by finding fulfillment there?

Then just imagine if everyone loved their career and life?! That’s my big vision!

I envision a healed world with more love and joyful connection because every human being is living a fulfilling life.

Of course, a fulfilling career and life means something different to different people. And that’s something I can help you discover for yourself.

If you can’t wait to see what a fulfilling career and life could look like for you - and you’re ready to make a change - then I invite you to work with me.

I’ve progressed up the big corporate ladder, changed jobs, moved abroad with work, quit without a (real) plan, pivoted into something completely different, started my own businesses, and FINALLY found what I love to do!

I’ve worked full-time, part-time, and OVER-time (hello to my fellow overachievers, perfectionists, and workaholics!)

And, while I believe in trial-and-error, exploration, design thinking, and trying new things - I also believe that it shouldn’t take 10+ years to figure out what you want to do!

That’s exactly why I’ve created my signature D.E.S.I.R.E. path to make career changes less confusing and scary for you.

It combines everything I’ve learned from my own personal experiences (which also included a lot of self-help books, mentoring, and coaching).

The journey is a very personal one and requires inner work, curiosity, persistence, and courage - but you don’t have to do it alone.

I’m here to support and guide you so you can take the easier path to your dream career.